Planning News May 2017

The Planning Committee met in May in Rolvenden Layne. This bulletin contains news relating to applications dealt with and decisions handed down since the last meeting in April, as well as proposed future action on some current applications.


Members are alerted to the TWBC Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation (the link is shown at the foot of this letter). Our Planning Committee will be discussing Options 1 to 5 (see pages 35 to 44 and the related questions on page 45) on 6 June. If you have any thoughts or comments on the this subject please email the Planning Committee Secretary ( by 5 June. Comments can, of course, be made direct to TWBC.


  1. Correction of the Minutes which incorrectly stated 15 houses under scrutineer’s reports re: the Smarden Gladman development; corrected to 50 houses.
  2. The appeal hearing in respect of the Smarden Gladman development will be held in ABC’s council chamber on 16 & 17 May. Two members of the WKPS planning committee will be attending and speaking.


17/00073/AS Farm View, Highlands Farm, Woodchurch TN26 3RJ — Proposed single storey residential care accommodation (4 units). WKPS supported. ABC PERMITTED.

17/00290/AS 20 Jupiter Lane, Kingsnorth TN23 3RL — Erection of 2 no. two storey dwellings with associated facilities & parking. WKPS objected. ABC PERMITTED.

17/00103/AS Tesco Stores Ltd, Smallhythe Road, Tenterden TN30 7LN — Installation of dry cleaning, key cutting, shoe and watch repairs pod to Tesco premises. WKPS objected to original location. ABC PERMITTED on revised location.

17/00115/AS Stone Cottage, Pound Lane, Kingsnorth TN23 3JE — Proposed extension to existing games room to provide double garage & ancillary accommodation at first floor level. WKPS objected. ABC PERMITTED.

17/00025/AS Roughlands Farm House, Lewd Lane, Smarden TN27 8PB — Removal/discharge of a Section 106 agreement to planning permission 90/00266/AS (Removal of occupancy condition on we/9/65/335 on Leasdale and put condition on new farm house at Roughlands) serving to restrict the dwelling through an Agricultural Occupancy condition. WKPS objected unless condition was transferred to new farm house. ABC REFUSED.


APP/E2205/W/17/3168192 (16/00947/AS) Tyle House Farm, Stocks Road, Wittersham TN30 7EH — Erection of 3 no. detached two storey dwellings with new access. ABC refused consent. Applicant appealed. WKPS comment submitted to planning inspectorate.




  1. TWBC Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation. WKPS has been invited to comment on this document. The Chair asked for input from the committee. Deadline for comment is 12 June.
  2. Charing PC sent an article to the KM regarding the outline application for 245 houses in Charing. The Chair has sent a short article to the KM to back the PC.


17/00469/AS Ashford Golf Complex, Bears Lane, Bethersden TN23 3BZ — Hybrid planning application comprising: A Full application for the erection of 1 no. dwelling with associated landscaping and access and an Outline application for the erection of 6 no. dwellings including detail relating to access, layout and landscaping (scale and appearance as reserved matters). Against all planning policy, in isolated, particularly pleasant, countryside, enormous houses, currently there are no objections, 1 support and the PC has not commented. Appreciate that upper end of market needs to be serviced. ABC Local Plan policy HOU5 allows for designs of exceptional quality/innovation on greenfield sites. This application does not fulfil that criterion. WKPS to object.

17/00530/AS The Green Health Club, The Old Pumping Station, Pluckley Road, Charing TN27 0AH — Demolition of existing swimming pool extension, conversion of the existing building, erection of a second floor extension and stair well to form 8 self-contained apartments. Erection of 2 storey building to accommodate 2 self-contained apartments. In addition, associated parking, associated services, infrastructure, landscaping, ground works, and earthworks. Good use of a redundant building. WKPS to support.

17/00625/AS Land between Boughton Cottage and Millview Cottage, Milll Lane, Smarden — Outline application for the erection of two x 1 bedroom apartments, five x 2 bed apartments and houses, three x 3 bed houses, four x 4 bed houses and associated development to consider new access, with all other matters reserved. 14 dwellings, thought to be outside LBD (to be checked). ABC dismissed site from the emerging Local Plan as being unsustainable, access from single track lane is dangerous, Smarden already identified suitable site for 25 houses approved by ABC, further speculative developments are unsustainable in this small rural parish. WKPS to object strongly.

17/00445/AS Foundry Lodge, Church Hill, Kingsnorth — Erection of a single 1.5 storey dwelling with garage, associated parking, landscaping and ground-mounted solar PV panels. Semi-rural part of Kingsnorth, windfall site, within conservation area but there are modern houses nearby. Reasonable proposal. All the locals against the proposal. WKPS to make no comment.

17/00538/AS Former site of Precinct 13, Ashford Road, High Halden TN26 3LY — Erection of a two storey building comprising of 2 x 2 bed flats, 1 x 2 bed dwelling and 2 x 3 bed dwellings (Phase 3) and a two storey detached building comprising of 4 x 2 bed flats (Phase 4). Developer wants to corral the green space and build flats on it, triangle of green space owned by ABC which should be used for local needs housing if developed. Small units needed. WKPS to support in principle but with fewer dwellings to retain the green space.

17/00605/AS 59 Primrose Drive, Kingsnorth TN23 3NP — Increase in existing garage roof height and 3 no. dormer windows in roof to provide ancillary accommodation. The existing house comprises 5 beds. Conversion of garage to provide more accommodation causes concern to potential separate residential unit in the future. WKPS not to comment and will monitor.

17/00510/AS Derby Cottage, Benenden Road, Biddenden TN27 8DJ — Demolition of existing bungalow and replacement with chalet bungalow, garage, new drive access off road & parking. New dwelling will be significantly higher than those surrounding. Sketch elevations only gives an idea of the height relationship rather than an accurate depiction. WKPS not to comment.

17/00505/AS Yew Tree Park Homes, Charing — Change of use of ancillary leisure, amenity and parking area and adjoining scrubland to enable siting of 20 residential mobile homes and one mobile community hall. Amended application reducing the density of the number of mobile homes. This type of accommodation is needed and is an extension of an existing site. WKPS expressed concerns about density on previous application. Improved layout following pre-application advice. WKPS to support.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This paragraph deals with actions planned rather than already taken. Readers are asked to note that the opinions and action points are those expressed by the planning committee as a whole. They are not always the final decisions. Many items discussed at meetings require further research before we reach a final decision on action to be taken.


LINK to TWBC Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation:

WKPS AGM Wednesday 14 June 2017, 6.45pm for 7pm start, at Tenterden Town Hall, High Street, Tenterden.